Naloaloa Village Impact Architecture and Building in Fiji

Regenerative Community Projects




September 21, 2024


Regenerative Design, Community Engagement, Sustainable Development & Building

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Pacific ArkPolinate Permaculture

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Empowering Naloaloa Village: Designing a Sustainable Future


Join us on Vanua Levu Island, Fiji, for an extraordinary experience in regenerative-adaptive design and planning of the Naloaloa Village Community Hall. Partner with the local community, Roös Atelier, where we aim to help design, plan and then build a sustainable, climate-resilient, and regenerative community hall. Together, we will work towards achieving an ecologically sensitive and culturally resonant design.

Our Objectives:

Voluntourism to Make a Difference:

  • Engage with the local community to design, plan and build a community hall that meets their needs and respects their cultural practices.
  • Learn from a world-renowned expert in ecological design Dr. Phillip B. Roös, who will facilitate the Impact Architecture Masterclass.
  • Engage in hands-on building works with the community
  • Utilise a regenerative-adaptive pattern language model embedded with local cultural engagement practices, Indigenous knowledge, and nature-inspired solutions.

Sustainable and Regenerative Design:

  • Map and document the landscape of Naloaloa Village.
  • Develop a Village Masterplan and identify potential locations for the community hall.
  • Utilise natural structures and principles to develop the concept design, documenting your pattern language in a journal.

Sustainable and Resilient Building:

  • Design and construct the community hall using locally sourced, sustainable materials such as bamboo.
  • Showcase resilient building techniques that are both environmentally friendly and culturally appropriate.
  • Work closely with the community on the construction process to ensure skills transfer and local engagement.

Our Approach:

Naloaloa Village on Vanua Levu Island will be our main base for this program, providing an authentic Fijian experience. Throughout the project, we will be immersed in activities designed to foster a deep connection with the local environment and community. Our approach is structured into three phases to ensure thorough planning, community involvement, and successful execution:

Phase 1: Concept Design and Masterplanning (September 2024)

  • Map and document the landscape of Naloaloa Village.
  • Develop a Village Masterplan and identify potential locations for the community hall.
  • Utilise natural structures and principles to develop the concept design, documenting your pattern language in a journal.
  • Conduct workshops with the local community to gather input and ensure their needs and cultural practices are incorporated into the design.

Phase 2: Community Liaison and Industry Support (September 2024 - March 2025)

  • Engage with the community through regular meetings and updates to keep them informed and involved in the project.
  • Seek support, collaboration and funding from industry leaders in sustainable construction and regenerative design.
  • Finalize detailed design plans, including architectural drawings, materials sourcing, and construction logistics.
  • Prepare for the construction phase by securing necessary permits and approvals.

Phase 3: Construction and Building Works (April 2025 - Sept 2025)

  • Begin procurement and planning of construction material of the community hall, utilising locally sourced, sustainable materials such as bamboo.
  • Work closely with local builders and community members to ensure knowledge transfer and community involvement.
  • Monitor construction progress and ensure adherence to the design principles and sustainability goals.
  • Complete the construction by September 2025, ready for the community to use and benefit from the new hall.

How You Can Help:

Join our Voluntourism placements: Enrol in the Impact Architecture Masterclass and Building placements to learn from experts and contribute to the sustainable design of the community hall.

Spread Awareness: Share our campaign on social media to raise awareness about the challenges faced by Naloaloa Village and the potential for positive change. Inspire others to join our cause and contribute to the project.

Donate now and be a part of this transformative journey toward a greener, more sustainable future.



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